Thursday, August 15, 2013

Move Boldly Forward To View Of Ultimate Victory

The Central Committee of Camera Electronic issues the directive that you will move boldly forward to view of ultimate victory. This directive will be followed by all right-thinking photographers.

The mass of collective artistic workers will purchase Lomo Holga and Diana cameras to implement the correct decision. Agents travelling to assignments overseas will be required to use the Canon G1x and G15 cameras.The intelligentsia will purchase the Fuji X series cameras according to their means and use them according to their needs. The Leica cameras will be reserved for the fearless leaders of the movement. Any deviation from this directive will be subject to correction.

Revanchist running dogs and imperialist oppressors of the masses will try to decry this decision, pointing out that many other cameras are not mentioned in the 5-year plan. This transparent lie of the agents of capitalist hegemony tries to disguise the fact that the the cameras do not have viewfinders. They require the masses of workers and peasants to stare at LCD screens in the bright sunlight and fail to see the glorious landscape of photographic future. We say boldly that this is not to be tolerated - view finding is a basic right of man according to the Directive of the Third Committee Congress.

We boldly urge the photographers of Perth to stand firm and uphold the banner of correct behaviour!

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