Sunday, October 27, 2013

No Need To Rend Your Garments Over Rental

I was delighted this morning to be introduced to Thomas - our new staff member who will be working in the rental and repair department. He has been seeing what we do and has been in conference with out IT man. I think Jason will also be delighted as the pressure of the rental department has been intense these last few weeks.

Rental is a good idea for a number of reasons for a number of people. Photographers who don't have enough money to afford to buy decent equipment can stump up enough for a rental...and if they get paid for their work they might be able to become buyers rather than renters.

Other people are flush enough for normal gear but have no reasonable excuse that they can make to their bank or their spouse for a lens that costs $ 7000. They can justify a weekend with the rental.

Yet others really do contemplate one of those once-in-a-lifetime take your breath away and leave you eating cabbage for a year purchases but do not want to leap into the volcano without being absolutely certain - so they rent their heart's desire several times before buying it. I have a feeling that there are a number of marriages that have been contracted on the same basis...

Finally, there are the photographers who are travelling on someone else's dollar. Pro's. They don't want to schlepp a giant lens through the airports of Australia so they rent one when they get here and save the backache. They bill the client.

Doing a rental is pretty straight forward, though your wouldn't believe the computer flow that we need to do before it spits out a receipt. You'll need ID, and a deposit and, of course, a booking for the gear. Phone Jason or Thomas on 08 9328 4405.

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