Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Four Packs Of Fun - Polaroid Is Back

Edwin Land would be proud of the place - we have Polaroid instant cameras and film back in stock.

Take a gander at the pack shots. You'll note that we can provide a new Polaroid 300 camera and film - both the cameras and the film are in colour. Now your selfies can be in print as well as on everybody's Facebook.

Also note that there is a new formula for the Impossible Project films. We have 600-series black and white and colour film for Polaroid cameras as well as SX-70 film. We have been assured that the Dutch manufacturers have got it right this time.

If your dear old 600-series Polaroid has been sitting sad and lonely, perhaps this is the time to take it out of the cupboard and load it up. You could be 90 seconds away from art...

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