Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Whaddoo I Spend My Mine Money On Now?

If you are currently sitting on an iron ore wallet - and have exhausted all the other possibilities of Western Australian photography; HDR sunsets, trying to make Lesmurdie Falls look like Niagara, Barbagallo Raceway, Thailand, Africa, British Columbia, or Notherdam Gorge, may I suggest you come into Camera Electronic and get something new?

See the attached images - they are of unnatural lights taken in natural light from artificial light sources. Sort of like an Escher etching, but with a camera.

Studio lighting is wonderful. It gives you controllable illumination, multiple artistic effects, and a good reason to spend more of your mining money. You can set up a home studio and capture whatever your heart desires - no trekking, traipsing, or travel. You no longer are restricted to the "magic minute" at sunrise or sunset that the travel writers blurt on about - you can create magic minutes all day long if you like. You can make pictures as saturated or as neutral as you wish. You can MAKE your subjects look good, rather than sitting there waiting an hour in the flies and heat hoping that it will happen.

Hard to do? No. Hard to learn? No. Books are all over out there to help you do whatever lighting you want to do - some of them are just pictures of nudes with a line drawing to show where the lights were supposed to be - some of them are technically-specific lighting recipe books. Suit yourself which ones you take into the loo with you.

You can also get good lighting training next door at Shoot Photography - they run periodic courses in the subject. We have promotional nights every now and then when a good studio photographer shows you what can be done with specific equipment. You can buy a set of lights and the associated studio backdrop stand and just set out on your own journey of discovery - I did and now where the hell am I? No, no - it's all good - I DO know what I am doing, Officer...

With a bit of luck, when the mine shuts down, you can retire to your studio in Perth and make a modest fortune. I did. I made it from a large fortune.

PS: It is also possible to spend mine money on mines, but you'll have to lay the field yourself...

Uncle Dick

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