Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

If the most exciting thing that is sitting on your studio table is a dried up coffee-cup stain, it is time to head on down to Camera Electronic for something new. We have fresh coffee-cup stains.

No, no, apart from that - we have the perfect answer to the boring table top and the shaky camera - the little tripod.

If you are on a budget, look to the Manfrotto 209,492. This used to be known as the Table Top Tripod until Manfrotto got all streamlined and efficient and gave it a new number. It is a European number too, as you can see from the comma in the middle...

Apart from this, the tripod is a beauty - the thing breaks down into legs and head and the attachment is good old 3/8" at the joint - you can put other things on there. I use on with the Fuji X-10 and am delighted with it.

If you are not on a budget, consider the Leica Table Top Tripod. The three legs swivel under each other and lock with the wing nut. There is a standard 1/4" camera screw on the top, and the finish is glorious grey hammer tone.

If you are not easily startled, consider the Cullmann Magnesit Copter. You can break it down in the middle like the 209,492 but the screw is 1/4". The legs when clasped together with a rubber band have hole down the center that can fit on a standard light stand. The legs have rubber feet. If you are nervous, it does come in black as well.

Uses for table top tripods? Selfies in restaurants. Studio support for closeups. Light supports for speed lights. Balancing a camera on a fencepost or rock out in the field. Holding against a wall with a standard SLR for a long-exposure night shot. Impromptu chest pod. Low-level camera shot out at night. Low-level camera shot chasing flowers or fungi. Discrete tripod work at wedding receptions.

Henri? Well, you'll have to look that one up yourself...

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