Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Street Smart Need Not Be Street Dull - Think Think Tank

We often hear people saying that they want to carry a camera bag that does not look like a camera bag. Perhaps they want to be discreet in the street - discreetly pulling out a 1D MkIV with a giant wide angle lens that they push into everyone's face. And then discreetly putting it back into their discreet bag and discreetly running like hell with the mob after them...

For those of you who want to carry a good camera in a good bag that looks good, may we recommend the Think Tank City Walker range? Here is the City Walker 10 in Blue Slate. Room inside for a DSLR, extra lens, and flash. Plus cards, iPad, keys, and a water bottle for those of you who are afraid of dying of thirst in the Hay Street mall.

Rip-stop nylon for when the mob catches up to you, and a handle on the top so you can swing it like a flail to gain a little extra time.

Note for the serious street photographer: The Seagull 4A camera is the best fighting camera avaialble. It takes lousy photos but is all sharp edges and corners. Couple it to a sturdy webbing strap and you can whack people upside the head all night.

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