Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Still Time To Go Fishing

We've been delighted with the exhibition of underwater photography here in the shop - many thanks to the talent and vision of the WAPF photographers. Apparently Sunday was a lot of fun. The pictures swim away at the end of this week - Friday in fact - so do try to get in and see them in the meantime.

And for those of you inclined to try your own fins at the this sort of photography may we recommend that you go look at the work of Darren Jew - the Canon AIPP technical, scientific, nature photographer of the year. he has a website that is positively dripping with beauty. You'll have a whale of a time...

Also - we do have small underwater cameras for sale. Of course, you can take anything underwater but the specialised ones keep working...

Note to self: mop floor after the exhibition packs up. Some of those pictures are too realistic...

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